Georgetown Merchants Association Meeting Minutes

Big thank you to Georgetown Steam Plant for stepping in at the last minute and hosting our meeting!

GMA Meeting MINUTES 10/10/2023 

Board attendees: Ian, Michelle, Kaitlyn, Lisa, Sam, Kerry

Board Meeting 5:00

  1. Read agenda, add items as necessary
  2. Committee reports
    1. Lisa: Bylaws final draft -November GMA Meeting
    2. Need a 
    3. Lisa: Maps working with Michele on electronic version of map need to hire a dev. For an electronic map. Evan has been asked for an RFP. 
    4. West Seattle Chamber Commerce model
    5. Kaitlyn Benches: Send out note to artists to have displayed art above benches
    6. Kerry Art Attack: Posters Distributed – Key Posted
    7. Ian: Carnival Committee : one meeting, after next meeting Ian will update on progress
  1. Spooky Stroll funding request
    1. GCC Event ask for $500
    2. Need for marketing dollars: Tote and treat bags, #1 signs, Map/poster/ Candy and Mini Mart, flashlight. 
    3. Michele/Treasurer Ian/President ; we voted $250 approved
  1. Neighborhood center board position
    1. Grant Gutierrez grant on a Neighborhood Center/ (4-12 hours per month) Ask for a member.  Pays 2-3K a year. GCC wants to do a feasibility study for it. Scope. Environmental Works hired and look at a scope. 
    2. Kaitlyn and Lisa are interested 
    3. Ian send Kerry Grant’s info
  1. Art Walk board position
    1. Andrew Rinke, reached out to all neighborhoods that do art walks. It is now a non-profit, and looking for board members. 
  1. ED Report-Evan’s projects, 
    1. proposed name change, $15 change fee and submit. Updated on process. Very similar. 
    2. What is a Chamber of Commerce and GMA.  Georgetown Business Association, vs Georgetown Chamber of Commerce.
    3. Look for new grants: No update still in research phase
    4. List of previous donors and ask for end of year of donations
    5. Miscellaneous R-Day funds roughly 9K and Elysian 3K
  1. Additional items
    1. Electric Box, Larry has a key and John has one we need to have key. 
  1. Thoughts of changing Airport Way back to Duwamish Way.-Krry

General Meeting 6:00

  1. Introduction to space
  2. Add agenda items as necessary
  3. Member intros
  4. Neighborhood safety
    1. GMA Google Drive is up, please upload incidents in the neighborhood. 
    2. How do we get a hotline/List of contacts for business owners
    3. Directory for the GMA of owners: Ask? 
    4. Emergency Contact List action
  1. Seattle Art Walks board position
    1. Andrew Rinke 
    2. No resource around art walks. 
    3. 12 art walks
    4. Website, app, Non-profit
    5. Single source for posters/postcards
    6. West 
    7. Advocacy for art in city
    8. Advisory Board
    9. GTACA
    10. Ballard, Udistrict, Raven, Belltown, cap hill, central district, west Seattle., Georgetown, Uptown/Downtown. 
    11. Timeline: Non-profit filing EOM, Bylaws, by Nov. min. board members
  1. Spooky Stroll (and other Halloween events) Oct 21 5-9pm
  2. Oct 31 at Pizza Pinball Party Costume Contest
    1. 7-midnight
    2. Anniversary Pinball Tournament Nov. 2nd 
    3. Art Attack Posters?
  3. Additional items as necessary
  4. Template for Email notes/minutes 

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